Level up your career by certifying as a Master Project Manager!

Today's project management professionals are expected to manage and communicate increasingly complex projects efficiently and sufficiently with project stakeholders and executives. Take your career to the next level by becoming a Master Project Manager® with MPM Certification®.

"The whole course was great. I sought out a PM mastery course and this was so much better than I could have ever imagined." - MPM Course Participant


  • Master Project Manager® (MPM®) Certification

  • Earn 30 PMI PDUs

  • One-Page Project Manager

MPM Certification

Level Up

  • PM skills that matter

  • Communication - efficient yet sufficient 

  • Seriously simple project management

  • Team leadership

MPM Agenda


  • On-time, on-scope, & on-budget

  • Risk mitigation

  • Change management

  • Quality deliverables

Join thousands of PM professionals who leveled up their career with MPM Certification, led by PMRGi's project management experts and coaches.

$2,000 total includes:

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The knowledge that was gained in this course  helped to clarify how critical the soft skills (i.e. communication, accountability, relationship building/maintaining, negotiating) are in further enhancing your skills as a project manager.
“Using the tools provided, my communication skills will be improved as well as my ability to track and document project progress, obstacles, and successes. I understand that communication is key for a PM but being an organized PM is also important.”
“What does success look like to you? I will ask this question at the conception of every project moving forward. That question answers a lot of WHY's within a project's scope and attainability. The quality of my projects will only improve after that question and this course.”
Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Level up your PM career today with MPM Certification.



Top-rated, practical, and simple but sufficient project manager training and certification for PM professionals.